Blood tests and Urinalysis
These easy to obtain tests with rapid results can often given owners an overview of their pets’ general health: can include but not restricted to information on white and red blood cells, platelets, kidney and liver values, electrolytes, bacteria or crystals in urinary tract. Doing a blood test before going into anesthesia and surgical procedures also allow us to assess risk factors for our patients.
Digital Radiography
Digital x-rays allow the assessment of broken bones or growth on bones, changes in the lungs and heart, brief overview of abnormal abdominal organs, and number of fetus in the late stages of pregnancy. These images can be easily sent to owners and other specialists for further necessary evaluation.
Digital Dental Radiograph
Dental x-ray allow us to assess the “root” of the problem and whether a sick tooth is needed and can be extracted. Keeping a digital record of your pets’ yearly dental procedures help our medical team and the owner better plan how to prevent periodontal disease from progressing.
Fecal Examination
Bi-annual Evaluation of our pets’ poop can give us information about presence of internal parasites and giardia (a microorganism that causes diarrhea and can be transmitted to owners) as well as diarrhea causing bacteria and viruses.
Ultrasound is a very helpful imaging diagnostic technique that allows assessment of masses and/or soft tissue organs in the abdomen and the structure and function of the heart for pets that are suspected with related diseases.